Population geneticist interested in structural variation, natural selection, complex traits, recombination and data visualisation (among others).
I work at Genomics plc as a scientist helping to improve human health using genetic information.
I obtained my PhD in Genetics in 2017 from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Before that, I completed a BSc in Biotechnology, where I learned about the complexity of life, and a MSc in Bioinformatics, where I learned how to use computers to study it.
My research has been focused on human polymorphic inversions and their role in the evolution of our species, based at Mario Cáceres lab in the Institut de Biotecnologia i de Biomedicina. I visited Emilia Huerta-Sanchez lab at the Center for Computational Molecular Biology (Brown University) and Paul O'Reilly lab at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai as a postdoc. During my undergraduate years I had some smaller contributions to other projects, the most important one being the characterization of a source of pluripotent stem cells in adults, at Universitat Internacional de Catalunya.
See publications
I enjoy teaching and learning from my students. I've had the opportunity to teach several undergraduate and master modules, from genomics practical sessions to programming and data visualisation courses.
See teaching
In 2014, while studying for my PhD, I got involved with the local Bioinformatics student group. I learned a lot and had fun organizing scientific meetings, workshops and social events with other motivated students, aiming to make the Bioinformatics community in Spain stronger.
See activities