Carla Giner Delgado, PhD


Population geneticist interested in structural variation, natural selection, complex traits, recombination and data visualisation (among others).


I’ve taught the following Bachelor’s and Master’s courses:

2018-2019 Data visualisation
Bachelor’s degree in Bioinformatics, ESCI-UPF.
12h: data visualisation in R with ggplot2, htmlwidgets and shiny.
2017-2018 Genome visualisation
MSc Bioinformatics, UAB.
2h: Introduction to the grammar of graphics in R. Link to the exercises.
2013-2018 Genomics, Proteomics and Interactomics
Bachelor’s degree in Genetics, UAB.
15h x 3 groups: Genome assembly and annotation.
2014-2015 Genomics
Bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology, UAB.
12h: Problem sessions covering from genetic maps to sequencing techniques.
2013-2014 Bioinformatics
Bachelor’s degree in Microbiology and Bachelor’s degree in Biology, UAB.
15h: Programming in Perl and BioPerl.